
The aims and objects of the Association shall be :

  • To foster cultural, literary, artistic, social activities amongst the Bengalees and the members of the other communities and to organize functions and sponsor institutions for promoting such activities.
  • To co-operate with other Associations/Clubs with a view to fulfill the aims and objects mentioned in this memorandum.
  • To establish a library and a reading room;
  • To organize sports and games;
  • To raise, establish and manage funds and endowments for the attainment of the aforesaid aims and objects;
  • To take such steps from time to time as may be considered feasible by Executive Committee for helping in educational, social and economic uplift of the members of the Bengalee community;
  • To perform such other activities which may be contributed to the aims and objects of the Samsad.

NOTE: The Samsad shall not take part in any political activities.


Any person who subscribes to the aims and objects of the Samsad shall be eligible for membership on submission of application on the prescribed form and approval by the Executive Committee.

Life Membership subscription Rs. 2500.00Ordinary Members subscription Rs. 25.00 per Month or Rs. 250.00 for a year if paid in advance. Admission fee Rs. 25.00.

Executive Committee

The term of Executive Committee is for a period of two years. The Committee consists of one President, and 17 other members to be elected by the General Body. The elected members co-opt three members to the Executive Committee. The other office bearers are elected by the Executive Committee.

Annual General Body Meeting

Annual General Body Meeting shall be held Sunday by the third week of June every years. The general body elects the Executive Committee every alternative year.